Thursday, May 23, 2013

On Your Mark

3 days till race:  Here we go! Last entry before race day! I will be sure to post again after the fact to let everyone know how it went. I completed my usual 2-3 miles at the gym on Tuesday and Thursday without suffering any major incidents or set backs. I've got my ID bib, my timing chip, my superhero swim goggles, tissues, extra leakage protection, and no water! Everyone has been asking if I'm ready for my race. Absolutely, I'm ready! And by absolutely, I mean Hell, No! Really, people have you been reading my blog?   I'll do my best shuffle as long as I can, except for the uphill portions because everyone knows I'm really not ready for that. Who knows what times I'll put out, and I will only be truly disappointed if I'm so slow that I don't make it into the stadium before they lock the gates. I'd like to feel confident that I can run the entire race, but running is still hard. My best 3 miles is no 6, no matter how contorted the math is. I have made enormous progress since my breathless rest break at the end of the street, but my biggest success is still just being alive and well enough to enter. I am bound and determined to try to enjoy this thing and hopefully my fluid regulatory systems are cooperative. I've decided to go without tunes so I can revel in the race day hoopla that surrounds the Bolder Boulder. Also, I wouldn't want to miss my one fan out there cheering for me. If I execute my take off properly, I am confident I can shave a few seconds off my time on the slip & slide located around the 4th mile. Will my cardiologist resurface to nudge me onward? I'm not sure, maybe. He'll probably be standing atop those giant hills with one eyebrow raised at me as I trudge upward.  My sister arrives Saturday and we will no doubt sequester ourselves so we can memorize the course and plan our attack. She will hopefully bring more to the table, as my plan is limited in scope and consists of trying to run. I could have used another 3 or 4 months to prepare, but for better or worse my race day is here and I'm claiming my spot at the starting line! Bring it Boulder! Here we come!


  1. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

  2. Good luck! Will be thinking of you and can't wait to hear how it went. I know you'll do great!
